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overall reflection

In these long 14 weeks, I officially finished my Design Communications Module. This module taught me how to clearly translate my creative ideas using specific conventions and techniques, allowing the user to clearly receive the aim of the content being shared.  I learned how to utilize different line weights, the different methods of rendering, and how to accurately use tools like a scale ruler and T-square.


 Furthermore, I was able to pick up the basics of preparing one-point and two-point perspective drawings. The Design Communications module was one of my favourite modules this semester due to the assignments allocated to the students. This is because I enjoy drawing and preparing architectural drawings. Despite the immense amount of work put into the second assignment, the Farnsworth Project was truly enjoyable. Throughout the whole experience, I don't think I experienced many challenges other than maybe struggling to understand how to draw perspective drawings accurately. I received a lot of help from my friends who patiently sat and explained the different methods of completing this drawing.


This semester, a lot of online and offline platforms were used to share important information efficiently with the students taking the module. MyTimes and Telegram were one of the most efficient platforms used when looking for updates and important materials. It was very structured and easy to navigate. I was especially grateful to be fully back on campus as I find attending lectures and tutorials live has a greater impact on my ability to grasp concepts and information more constructively.


I would like to extend a big thank you to my Module Coordinator, Dr Lia and Tutor AR Zahari for always providing me with constructive feedback rather than discouraging my efforts put into my work, which instilled self-confidence and allowed me​ to keep improving my technique. Despite all my questions, AR Zahari was very patient and answered them all to the best of his ability to ensure I understand the concepts being shared.

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